
Marian Moore
T: 612-377-2702
M: 612-817-2426
Based in the United States
: 415-561-6157 |
Play BIGMission: Play BIG seeks to support individual wealth holders who want to activate their whole portfolio (investing, lending, giving etc) to be in greater alignment with values of environmental regeneration and social equity. We do this through hosting an ongoing series of intimate gatherings designed to inspire and inform through stories, case studies, one-on-one consultations and facilitated peer coaching. While Play BIG is supportive of action, it is grounded in a recognition of the humanity of the philanthropist/investors we serve. Brief: In 2004, anonymous Vancouver-based investor philanthropist Carol Newell was 12 years into the deployment of her 60 million dollar inheritance to support a sustainable economy in British Columbia. At that time, she recognized that clear and bold decisions she had made were having a profound and positive effect in BC with countless ripples into the world. Carol decided that her story could be of value in encouraging and supporting others with similarly large assets (25m or more) to activate their portfolios. She invited fellow Threshold member Marian Moore to co-create what became Play BIG. Since our first gathering in 2005, we have worked with individuals with billions of dollars to move toward whole portfolio activation to mission. In 2010, in the interest of broadening and deepening the reach and effectiveness of Play BIG, we began partnering with RSF Social Finance, Tides and Tides Canada. | What Makes Us Different: | Our emphasis is on the integration of all of the different ways to bring money to solutions; philanthropy, loans, all sorts of investment, and political giving. Play BIG is also designed to serve people with high level of assets (25 million or more) because we feel there are both unique challenges and opportunities for those investor philanthropists that were not part of other giving communities' conversations. Unlike other impact-investing learning venues, the focus of Play BIG is the human being personally stewarding assets as we feel it's important to address the human dimension in the mix with technical and strategic issues. | More info: | Our invitation is to those – from around the world – who want to expand their knowledge about how to more deeply integrate who they are with how they use, invest, give and spend their money, their time and other resources. We seek to support those who want to liberate themselves and their money into a balanced, generative and dynamic state. We support experimentation, communication, community, development of appropriate and supportive teams, all to connect one's resources with the needs in the world. | Inspirational Stories: | "I came in a little skeptical... but this was very engaging and restorative. It's nice to feel a part of a real community."
"At Play BIG I found a circle of pioneers."
"Play BIG has been hugely supportive and inspirational to me."
"Play BIG nourished the resolve and expanded the network of individuals who are part of my community. Through stories it expanded the universe of possibilities on how to concretely engage in the field." | Success Stories: | Our success is measured by how those who have attended Play BIG have found their way to integration of their money with their humanity and activation of their portfolio (which are often related). We have numerous examples of those for whom Play BIG has opened doors and expanded possibilities. Numerous attendees have engaged in innovative integrated capital experiments in the tens of millions and have become active investors in values-and-mission aligned investing adding up to hundreds of millions of dollars. |
Bolder Giving does not endorse any specific Giving Community and provides this listing for information only.